Do You Need a Quick, Low Cost Equipment Appraisal?
Then you should consider a Desktop Appraisal…
Desktop Equipment Appraisals have the same certification level, are court-tested, substantiated, and irrefutable like a standard onsite appraisal, with two major differences:
You Collect the Data & Pay Less
Call us and request our Free Data Collection Form to help You…
Desktop Appraisals are very common and will generally provide you with the same equipment values as you would have received with an onsite appraiser. The primary difference between an onsite appraisal and a desktop version is in the wording of our report. A Desktop Appraisal Report will state that ‘the data was collected by your representative and we have not physically seen the equipment’. Our Desktop Equipment Appraisals are defensible, substantiated and have been court-tested. They are used by banking and lending institutions, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Small Business Administration many, many times.
Key Benefits:
Much Lower Cost / (No Appraiser Travel Costs or Onsite Inspection Costs.)
You Collect the Data / (Who knows your Equipment better than You?)
Faster Turnaround / (You won’t have to sync-up schedules with an Appraiser.)
Same Certification / (The exact same Certified Appraiser can do your report.)
When to NOT use a Desktop Equipment Appraisal
No Onsite Data Collection Person is Available
When the Appraisal will be a key part of Litigation
When the Appraisal is requested by a Lender
Partnership Dissolutions
Divorce Settlements
This Article was first posted on our Alternate Site Expert Equipment Appraisal
by Christopher Burton, MCMEA

Article Name
Desktop Equipment Appraisal - Quicker & Lower Cost
Do You Need a Quick, Low Cost Equipment Appraisal? Then you should consider a Desktop Appraisal…
Desktop Equipment Appraisals have the same certification level, are court-tested, substantiated, and irrefutable like a standard onsite appraisal.
Christopher Burton, MCMEA
Publisher Name
Certified Consulting Group LLC