Here is a Solution to Your Risk Management Problem
Nearly everyday we are asked by banks, lenders, financing companies, equipment leasing agencies, and more to help establish equipment values.
Over the past few years, your industry has become more heavily regulated by
Internal Audits … Federal Regulation … SBA Requirements … and the list goes on and on.
But, what are businesses and their machinery / equipment really worth? Since the answer is often critical to developing and maintaining a healthy loan portfolio, it makes sense for lenders to use a professional and certified valuation or certified appraisal when funding capital equipment loans.
We are prompt, efficient, and cost-effective. For lenders who need an accurate valuation of machinery and equipment worth, we provide Certified Machinery / Equipment Appraisal Reports and/or Certified Valuations.
Our certified valuations and appraisals are independent, defensible, consistent, comprehensive and easy-to-use.
Our reports are accepted by the Small Business Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, every Court, including Municipal, County, State, and Federal, and by the largest banks in the world.
Our reports are up-to-date and compliant with:
U.S.P.A.P (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice)
Due to our compliance with U.S.P.A.P. our Reports also meet all the major federal financial regulations including:
FIRREA (Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act)
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
Call Rod to answer questions and Get YOUR QUOTE
800-785 6061
We know we are your best option…We just need to prove it to you!
- Available NOW!
- 1 Hour Quote & Free Tools
- 3-5 Day Turnaround
- Master Equipment Appraisers
- Nationwide & International
Shameless Self Promotion:
Our Appraisals are OFTEN Delivered before other Appraisers even get the quote back to you.
Other more Average Appraisers in the USA do 10-12 appraisals a year – We Average over 150 a Year!
Call Rod to get your Questions Answered
800-785 6061
And for your Client – ask for our Free No Obligation Tool Kit
The Kit Includes:
A Sample of our Certified Appraisal
The Equipment Appraisal 101 eBook or our Divorce Equipment Appraisal eBook
Your personal Equipment Appraisal Checklist and Planner
Our Proprietary Data Collection Sheet
(Emailed Upon Request)
Digital Flipper Numbers to help you track your Assets
We also suggest this iPhone Camera App (App is $9.99)
Questions Often Asked by Lenders using our Equipment Appraisal Service:
Q. Are you Certified?
A. Yes, we have several Certifications within our internal group and multiple other Certifications across our strategic relationships. Our Certifications and required continuing education are up-to-date. We are a progressive company and are constantly looking to improve our knowledge.
Our Certifications include:
MCMEA: Master Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraiser (Issued by the NEBB Institute)
CMEA: Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraiser (Issued by the NEBB Institute)
ECEA: Expert Certified Equipment Appraiser (Issued by the ECEA Certification)
ASA: Accredited Senior Appraiser (American Society of Appraisers – Machinery and technical Specialties)
MCBC: Master Certified Business Counselor (Institute of Certified Business Counselors)
CSBA: Certified Senior Business Analyst (International Society of Business Analysts)
CM&AA: Certified in Mergers and Acquisitions (Alliance of Mergers & Acquisition Advisors)
We also hold Commercial Real Estate Licenses in Multiple States
Q. What report writing Standard do you use?
A. We primarily use the Uniform Standard of Professional Appraisal Practice (U.S.P.A.P.), but have also used the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on an as-needed basis.
Our reports will be written with the appropriate guidelines based on the effective date or with the most current guidelines at your discretion.
Q. What Timeframe should I expect for delivery?
A. We are much faster than our contemporaries. We have fine-tuned our system and can produce a higher quality report in a shorter time.
We generally can have a Desktop Appraisal Report turned around in 3 days and can have an Onsite Appraisal Report turned around in 5-10 days depending on the Onsite Visit timeline. Of course, larger reports will take more time, and we will give you a very realistic time for delivery.
We also have multiple appraisers and researchers who can engage for RUSH delivery and can generally accommodate your needs in that regard.
Q. What are your Fees, and what are your Fees Based on?
A. Every equipment appraisal is uniquely quoted. We can generally have a quote back to you in 1-2 hours after we receive a depreciation schedule or asset list to gauge the size of the job.
Our fee is based on these modifiers: (1) Quantity of Equipment being Appraised, (2) Timeframe for Delivery, (3) Travel Time and Costs, (4) Type of Report [Desktop vs Onsite].
We try to quote in Flat Rate (Total Job Cost), but depending on the quality of the asset list / depreciation schedule we can also quote in billable hours, or base fee plus additional fees as needed.
We require a minimum of half down and the remaining balance to be paid before report delivery.
Our fee for expert witness / external services will always be separate from the Appraisal Report fee to keep the report unbiased and irrefutable.
Q. Why should we choose your company?
A. We are Faster. – We Produce Premium Quality Certified Reports. – We do 10 Times as many Appraisals as a standard Appraiser. – Our Reports are reviewed by at least 2 Master Appraisers. – We are Nationwide and can match the perfect Appraiser to your Client.
Not withstanding, we are focused on being helpful through the process – We make it Simple for You and Your Client.
We Guarantee Our:
Pricing will be reasonable and clearly defined
Reports will be completed FAST and Professionally
Reports will have accurate Market Data
People will be knowledgeable and helpful

Article Name
Equipment Appraisal for Lenders Financing Leasing
Nearly everyday we are asked by banks, lenders, financing companies, equipment leasing agencies, and more to help establish equipment values.
Over the past few years your industry has become more heavily regulated by
Internal Audits … Federal Regulation … SBA Requirements … and the list goes on and on.
Christopher Burton, MCMEA
Publisher Name
Certified Consulting Group LLC